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Must-Read Tips for Living With Chronic Back Pain


Do you struggle with chronic back pain? Whether it is from an injury or is from an already-existing condition such as scoliosis, sore muscles, and back pain can be massively debilitating. While nothing can cure the condition, there are a number of tips that can alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

1.) Soothe sore muscles with Theragun

Are you frequently debilitated by sore muscles and looking for an everyday solution? Theragun might be just what you are looking for. A deep tissue massage gun, created by someone living with chronic pain himself, is the best massage gun on the market. This massage gun impacts muscles with a precise, scientifically calibrated combination and allows you to target muscle tension, even in hard to reach areas, from the comforts of your home.

Theragun offers a range of massage guns. Each percussive massage gun offers unique qualities, such as hours of battery life, different speed settings, and various head attachments, which help target muscle tissue in unique ways. The Theragun g3 pro is their top-of-the-line percussion massager used by professionals and offers the longest battery life: 300 minutes in a single charge. If you’re looking to have percussive therapy on the go, check out the Theragun mini, a compact massage gun that you can use to soothe sore muscles while traveling.

2.) Take supplements for your nervous system

While not just any medicine can address chronic pain, there are specific supplements that can certainly reduce your pain. PhytAge Laboratories’ has developed a special formula, NerveControl911, which is composed of all-natural ingredients that focus specifically on healing the central nervous system.

With ingredients such as passionflower and marshmallow root, this supplement offers a wide range of benefits. Taking it on a daily basis will help reduce inflammation and send nerve signals to the organs and central nervous system, among other benefits. Be pro-active and help fight your back pain and sore muscles by ordering your first supply today at

3.) Develop a daily yoga practice

Developing and maintaining a consistent yoga practice can work wonders for alleviating the severity of chronic back pain. Restorative yoga poses have the ability to increase blood flow, open up tight muscles, and enable healing of joints and sore muscles, leading to an overall reduction in muscle tension.

Other yoga poses can develop core strength, which has the ability to improve posture. Using props such as a large ball or foam roller—maybe with the guidance of an experienced physical therapist or yoga teacher—can also help target specific muscle tension and soft tissues. With consistent yoga practice, you will not only relieve chronic pain but also improve the mobility of the body.

4.) Look into acupuncture

Acupuncture, a traditional form of medicine based on the idea of energies in the body, is a non-invasive therapy that can be highly effective in alleviating chronic back pain. Needles are placed in specific points along the body’s meridians, dependent on where the pain is located. These small needles stimulate the nervous system, consequently releasing muscle tension and triggering the body to release pain-relieving chemicals, which helps to relieve soreness. When done properly, acupuncture has proven to be highly impactful at lowering chronic back pain, especially when practiced regularly.

5.) Maintain a proper diet

While a diet cannot cure chronic back pain, it can definitely help relieve symptoms. Eating a specific diet (and avoiding certain foods as well), can simultaneously strengthen the body and reduce inflammation, which alleviates the soreness of the muscles. A plant-based diet with an emphasis on deeply-colored vegetables likes sweet potatoes, beets, and berries, combined with omega-3 rich fish like salmon, can help reduce inflammation. In turn, this will control back stiffness and pain and can reduce the severity of your back pain.

Start healing today!

From yoga and acupuncture to supplements and percussive massage guns, there is no shortage of treatments that can help alleviate your chronic back pain. Start exploring your options and be proactive about your health!

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